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Hay Fever

Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)
Respiratory allergies can also be caused by pollen and moulds in the garden and house dust mite.
Hay fever is one of the most common allergies and affects around 13 million people in the UK.
What is Hay Fever?
Hay fever is a common allergic reaction which occurs at particular times of the year. It is known as seasonal rhinitis, sharing symptoms with perennial (year round) allergic rhinitis, but occurring as a reaction to pollen from grass, trees and weeds during the early spring and summer months. It can affect both adults and children.
Certified Roboclean Multifunctional Home Cleaning Systems with Air Purifier and Ioniser function and Coway Air Purifiers are recommended products for Allergies, Eczema and Asthma.
Everyone in your family, including those with Allergies, Eczema and Asthma, will appreciate the Roboclean Home Cleaning Systems and Coway Air Purifiers.

Some Statistics
Allergic rhinitis is the most common form of non-infectious rhinitis, affecting between 10% and 30% of all adults and as many as 40% of children (Pawankar R, et al, 2013)
Up to 57% of adult patients and up to 88% of children with AR have sleep problems, including micro-arousals, leading to daytime fatigue and somnolence, and decreased cognitive functioning (Pawankar R, et al, 2013)
Certified Roboclean Multifunctional Home Cleaning Systems with Air Purifier and Ioniser function and Coway Air Purifiers are recommended products for Allergies, Eczema and Asthma.
Everyone in your family, including those with Allergies, Eczema and Asthma, will appreciate the Roboclean Home Cleaning Systems and Coway Air Purifiers.

What causes Hay fever?
It is caused when the body makes allergic antibodies (IgE) to certain substances, such as pollen, house dust mites or mould, which are known as allergens.
Grass pollen is the most common allergen (May to July), but tree (February to June) and weed (June to September) pollens can also cause the allergic reaction we know as hay fever. In perennial allergic rhinitis the symptoms continue all year round and usually relate to indoor allergens, such as house dust mites, pets, including birds, or moulds.
Certified Roboclean Multifunctional Home Cleaning Systems with Air Purifier and Ioniser function and Coway Air Purifiers are recommended products for Allergies, Eczema and Asthma.
Everyone in your family, including those with Allergies, Eczema and Asthma, will appreciate the Roboclean Home Cleaning Systems and Coway Air Purifiers.

Hay fever, Allergy, Eczema and Asthma Home Remedy
Everyone in your family, including those with allergies, will appreciate the Roboclean Multifunctional Home Cleaning Systems and Air Purifiers. Independent laboratory testing has scientifically proven:
The Roboclean removes a significant amount of allergen from carpeting.
The allergen that is removed cannot escape. It stays in the water basin. It removes allergen and not just redistributes it back into your home’s air
The Roboclean does not experience a reduction in allergen pick-up in a partially filled water basin.
The Roboclean users are not excessively exposed to allergen while emptying the water basin.
Roboclean Multifunctional Home Cleaning Systems and Coway Air Purifiers – The Complete Allergies and Asthma Home Remedy.

Treatment of Allergy
One of the most obvious, yet overlooked, treatments of Allergy is ensuring you surround yourself in a dust and allergen free environment.
With our Coway air purifiers and Roboclean cleaning systems, you have peace of mind that your home is as dust and allergen free as is possible.
The Roboclean cleaning systems are the natural way to fight Asthma and you also get the benefit of a remarkably clean home!
View details of Roboclean View details of Cleanmax View details of CowayAir Purifiers
Certified Products for Allergy, Eczema and Asthma
Roboclean Multifunctional Home Cleaning Systems and Coway Air Purifier Units – The Complete Allergy, Eczema and Asthma Home Remedy.
The Roboclean can be an essential component in creating a space for freedom from asthma, eczema, allergies and viral contamination. Pet dander, dust, mould spores, fungi, pollen, and dust mites represent a real problem for family members who cope with allergies. Smoke and volatile organic compounds can weaken the immune system. Whenever an important health concern is addressed, it is always important to remember that prevention is the best medicine.
The ordinary vacuum cleaner as we know it was designed to collect dust and dirt into a bag or cylinder with pores. Even though the pores of these ‘dust-bags’ or ‘filters in bag-less vacuums’ might seem small to us, they are large enough for fine dust particles, microbes and other living entities invisible to the naked eye to easily pass through. For this reason, dust-bag or cylinder systems spew out dust and bacteria into the home environment while they are being operated. Moreover, the airflow of these pores, which clog up within a short period of time, gets cut off, thus hindering the cleaning process.
Ordinary vacuum cleaners (dust-bag, bag-less, upright or cylinder models) help remove the residue, as does washing, however, vacuuming does not generally decrease mites because they cling to the surface. The application of frequent vacuuming as a dust control measure may aggravate allergic asthmatic conditions because, ordinary vacuum cleaners blow dust through the cleaner’s bag or filters into the air. Dust collection by ordinary vacuum cleaners results in a significant increase in airborne concentrations.
With ordinary vacuum cleaners (dust-bag, bag-less, upright or cylinder models) it is not possible to clean house dust mites, moulds spores and pet allergens from your mattresses and furniture. Ordinary vacuum cleaners have a lot of filters and those filters have such small holes, that can’t be seen which gets blocked after a short time and lose suction. We also have another problem with ordinary vacuum cleaners. After you vacuum all dust and bacteria into the cylinder or bags. Bacteria, mites, moulds, allergens and microbes proliferate more and more. When you turn on those vacuum cleaners they all get blown into the air.
Allergy sufferers aren’t the only ones to benefit: Within a very short time, Roboclean washes the air and noticeably improves room climate. Dirt will not find it’s way back in your home. Roboclean can be used to reduce the house dust mite population in your home and thereby reduce the risk of developing allergy, asthma and eczema.